Monday, April 6, 2009

Second Week

I am now on my second week of Turbo Jam. Last week I lost 3 pounds and I honestly don't know how I did it with all those brownies. But hey, I'm not complaining. I usually have pretty good motivation on Mondays but so far I'm not feeling it. All I've wanted to do is just hold and play with Talan. She's growing up too fast!! Other than Turbo Jam my life is routine. No organized routine but I just do the same stuff. Take care of Talan and attempt to make my house look better. I have half completed that routine. And thats about it for now. If I could keep steady with three pounds a week, I would definitely be happy with that!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Turbo Jam

After having my daughter almost three months ago I have literally jumped up 6 pants sizes. She weighed 10 lbs and 3 0z and I was HUGE during my pregnancy. I honestly don't think I will ever get to what I weighed when I got married even though thats my goal. But I would at least like to get to a point where people stop asking me when my baby is due!!! So Monday I started working out to Turbo Jam. I will track my progress every Monday. So far I think I've been pretty faithful besides the things I have eaten. Working out makes me hungrier and crave sweets. I ate so many brownies Tuesday that it ruined any workout I had done up to that point. So I've decided to try and exercise more where I don't have to change my lifestyle. Its just not in my budget to cook all natural healthy meals. Yesterday, I worked out three times so just be praying with me on some results!!!!!