Monday, June 6, 2011

Weigh In

I dread writing this post and frankly wasn't even going to. But since I'm writing about this weight loss journey I might as well just be completely honest. Last week I gained a little over a pound. I am not at all surprised however. Monday was a holiday with a family cookout, I think Tuesday I ended up not being at home and eating from a drive thru, I don't really remember Wednesday and then Thursday and Friday I had my nieces. So this past week I probably had maybe two smoothies the entire week along with two different pizza nights and bucket of chicken nights. But I expect this to be a long process and I want be perfect with trying to lose weight. In fact, I'm not really doing many other things besides the smoothies. My goal is to start getting some walking in this week. I would really love to start working out but until I can figure out what's wrong with my back I'm just not sure that is such a good idea. So until next time wish me luck on losing weight this week!

Also, could you please be in prayer that we will be able to find some answers tomorrow? I will be getting an x-ray done on my lower back to see if we can find a reason for all the pain I have been in and the multiple doctor visits not having fixed it yet.

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