Monday, April 19, 2010


No....this has become my daughter's favorite word. She says it for everything. When she means it as an acutal no, when she wakes up, when she's mad, even when she's playing. I feel a little sad by it at times because she hears this word all the time. So now I am trying to teach her to say yes. And we have started saying "dont touch" more instead of saying no. She has even been teething and sometimes when her mouth is hurting I think she's even telling it no like "stop hurting me" Its cute but sad also because she is usually crying when she does this.
On a side note my 4 month old and 15 month old are wearing the same size diapers now. And on another side note I lost 2 pounds this past week. That leaves 3 1/2 pounds to go to get to my first goal. Which I had given myself til May 15 so I have high hopes for that. Now Im excited at being even less than that goal by the time we go to the beach. And now both my children are napping so its time to go do some major cleaning!


  1. I started laughing as soon as I read the title to the post. She's so funny. She did say hey and yay at the ball field, but no was still the favorite. I enjoyed getting to see her but miss Neheamiah. We leave Wednesday evening, so I guess I won't be seeing any of you until Sunday. Makes me sad. :( Hope you guys have a great week. Love you!

  2. I put Nayah and Nissi in the same size too. Size 4. Nissi could probably fit into a size 3 still, but it was getting annoying buying 2 different sizes. Haha.

    Stiiiiillllll waiting on your birth story...
