Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Letters to God

Thats the movie I watched last night and it was amazing. I highly reccomend that everyone watch it. It is such an inspiring story and its also based on a real story. I often sit and think if I died today what kind of mark did I make on this world? I want to be a world changer. I know that may sound like a far off goal but to think the simplest thing could change everyone around us. Which then leads to more change and so forth. It has really got me thinking about areas in my life that could use some purging. It also made me thankful that we dont have tv as yet another distraction. There are a couple of shows that we enjoy watching but we could just watch online. Now we've even stopped watching those except one or two. First we had an AMAZING service at church Sunday and now this inspiring movie. I can't wait to get alone with God and see where He takes me.
On another note, at the end of the movie I was just sitting in the floor boohooing and my sweet little girl walks over to me and wipes the tears off my cheek. It made me laugh and lose it all over again. To think that God picked me to be her mom! Wow! I am truly blessed.

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