Monday, August 2, 2010

Staying True

I wonder how many times as parents or even as humans we make a decision and then once something comes along we just take the easier route? I believe happens a lot more than we realize. At the moment we are on our third day of taking my daughter off of her pacifier. Paci as we call it. And I honestly have to give all the glory to God. I pretty much knew I would never be ready. It would take me awhile to go into detail on how much this girl loves her paci. But belive me, she is ADDICTED. We just laughed about it and it was cute. And then just last week we were having a conversation with our Pastor and his wife and she was telling me about our Pastor preaching somewhere when one of their girls was young and still had a paci. She was sitting in a seat to the side of him and he was talking about addiction and then suddenly realizes their daughter was addicted to hers and he then tells the whole congregation that they were going to take it away that day! It was a pretty funny story because she was sitting where everyone could see her and she said she had to sit there and try not to let any emotion show on her face. This was not something they had at all talked about since it had just come to him and she also knew that it would be her having to break her from it and deal with it.
So Saturday morning we were at a huge flea market and pulling our kids around in a wagon. When we got back to the truck we realized there was no paci and it must've been thrown out at some point. Which wasn't unusual for her to throw it somewhere. Well, by this point it was way past nap time and she was so sleepy and this is when she especially wants her paci. Luckily she was so sleepy that the screaming and crying didn't last too long before she eventually fell asleep. We even tried to give her a different one that we had but she refused to take it. It broke my heart watching her cry like that. The kind where she sat and sniffeled in her sleep for awhile afterwards. I prayed about it and I know that God had his hand in the entire situation. She only had one more crying episode after that. She is still walking around looking for it but we have been able to put her to bed and in the car and she has been doing great! It is still breaking my heart just because she looks so confused walking around and looking for it. She has also been sticking her thumb in her mouth a couple of times (uh-oh!) Hopefully, that will not become a problem. And this happened over the weekend and my husband has been here the entire time. Its a good thing because I am weak and would have given it to her just because she looked so lost!
So the point of this story and staying true? We decided before we ever had kids that we weren't going to give them a paci. When our daugther cried non stop we gave in so she would go to sleep. We would have never had to go through this if we had stuck with our original decision. Now we have realized that we have made it through breaking one kid from a paci and another one who would never take one and still doesn't go to sleep without some comfort. Therefore, in the future we will not give them to our kids. Now I pray that God helps me remember this and be strong with this decision! We truly need Him in every area of our lives.


  1. I understand your point and your decision, but I don't think you didn't stay true. I think you weighed the option and had to make a different decision. She did scream a LOT and you were trying to get her to nurse. Maybe I'm wrong, but it didn't seem like a moment of weakness, just seemed like you had done all you knew to do and had to try something. You know I'm know big paci advocate either (my girls were given one in the NICU and I broke them at 6 months and Mason never took one), just wanted to encourage you that God gives us wisdom and discernment for each individual situation and you just did the best you knew how in a very difficult situation.

    You're a GREAT mom, just remember they are all different, they have different personalities, needs, desires, phases, etc. Just seek the Lord about what's right for each one. He'll show you and I'm confident you'll follow His lead.

    <3 ya bunches!

    P.S. I think you're much stronger than you give yourself credit for!

  2. Thank you! And I knew what you meant...haha. I rarely ever proof read so there is no telling what all I end up typing. I am so proud of her! She is really taking this so well. She is wanting her sippy cup a lot more and she is a jabber mouth...haha. I LOVE IT!

  3. I personally will not give my kids one. I completely agree and see it as an addiction, or a crutch. I would rather them learn to deal with stuff as a youngin'. Plus it may seem easy to give them one at first, but is it really easier when you have to deal with a strong willed 2 or 3 year old who has had it for so long and won't give it up? Just my personal thoughts to add to your post! :) Keep up the good work C!
