Thursday, March 11, 2010

The littlest joys in life

My husband is working late and calls to tell me that my cousin will probably be staying the night. Thats no big deal and in fact this isn't somebody that I care to see my messy unorganized house. I did however think that he at least needed a clean spot to sleep. Luckily, I didn't do much today but the one thing I do every do is pick up my living room in order for Talan to be able to play in the floor. So it didn't take me long to pick it back up (this is an ongoing process) and I even had a clean blanket and an extra clean pillowcase for him a pillow to lay out! Then I even thought to lay out some of Brads pajamas because I knew my cousin probably didnt have extra clothes on him. And I got to tell you.....never would I have thought something so little would give me such a sense of accomplishment. It feels good to think I at least have some things in order that I was able to do that little.
And I have now decided it is much nicer to go to bed with my living room cleaned up and ready for the next day. My usual morning routine is to feed the babies, eat breakfast and then pick up and vacuum the living room floor. I dont mind this routine but again I just feel this sense of accomplishment that I will wake up to an already clean living room and not only that, but my husband gets to come home to a clean living room. Now....if I could just get going in the other rooms.


  1. It is such a mind-messing thing...the whole 'keeping the house clean' thing. I haven't figured it out yet. I am just desperately hoping that things will get better once I am not pregnant for awhile. I feel like a large lump of lard, and the only thing i'm good for is growing babies. Haha.

  2. I know what you mean...not completely of course since you've definitely got me beat in that category but having 2 babies in one year definitely wiped me out in the energy level. And I definitely dont have it figured out yet. My living room is the only decent room so Talan can get in the floor and play. Sad I know....
