Thursday, June 17, 2010

Trip to the mall

A trip to the mall is something I would never brave by myself. I honestly dont know how mothers of multiples does it. I guess its just one of those things you do what you have to. I'm really trying to let that soak in. Where instead of getting stressed I just do what I have to do and know that God will get me through it. But today wasn't like that. My sister was taking my niece and a friend of hers to the mall so I loaded up the babies and followed them. It was an absolute sunny bright day at my house and by the time I got to Huntsville it was pouring down rain. I was originally going to go with 2 umbrella strollers but it was quicker just to get out the double stroller(in the pouring rain). I wasn't really going to buy anything but once I got there I thought it would be nice to find a nice dressy outfit but that of course didn't happen. For one, I dont fit into those clothes anymore and two, I dont feel like I should even wear most of those clothes. I have no idea what my style is anymore. At first my son was still sleepy so he was kind of cranky at first but after walkiing around for awhile he eventually fell asleep and slept for about an hour. And then when he woke up it was past his feeding time but we were getting ready to leave and I didnt really want to feed him in the mall and he actually took his sisters sippy cup and was drinking the juice!! I can't tell you what a shock this is. I may just have to skip a bottle alltogether with him and go straight to the cup! I was also able to go to Kays Jewelers and get my rings cleaned for free. That is probably what really made my day. I have only been able to start wearing them again in the last two weeks and before that it had been about two years since I've worn them. Now they are so shiny and look brand new! I haven't been able to quit looking at them. I ended up buying the same cleaner they used but it was only $6.00 and now I can always have clean rings. So this was my first trip to the mall with two babies and it was quite enjoyable.

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